Digambar Hazarika is on cloud nine today. His abiding interest in music, had in the past, given him a number of occasions to be thrilled while pursuing his passion, but today is a different day for this boy from North Guwahati in Kamrup district of Assam. He is one among the 44,701 candidates who will soon be part of the Government of Assam workforce.
“For over three to four years now, I have been attempting to get a Government job by appearing for various examinations. I could not pass them but was not disheartened. My family was behind me. Finally, I have landed for myself a Grade IV job,” he says while talking to Asom Barta, his voice choked by his desire to cry aloud. He, however, in his appeal to the Government wants it to promote Braille education because of the hurdle he faced while negotiating the struggles of life as a visually impaired individual.
Niharika Gogoi of Tingkhong in Dibrugarh reached Guwahati along with her husband in the wee hours of May 25 in anticipation. She was one among the many thousands on the day in the Veterinary Ground in the city for whom the programme had been organised. Soon, she will be a Grade III employee of the Excise Department.
“I am a mother of two girl children. I used to complete all household chores before they were awake. I would then drop them at my mother’s place before heading on to a coaching institute to prepare for the examinations. At night, I would put them to bed and study. My husband also has been an inspiration in this journey. Since I have a family to take care of, this is how I thought I should do it,” she tells this reporter.
Probhati Boro of Guwahati has been trying for a job since her graduation. That she will now be a Grade III employee of the State Government is because of the efforts of the last five to six years. “The Assam Direct Recruitment Examinations initiative must be appreciated. Earlier, I passed many preliminary examinations but failed each time at the next stage. It was very difficult psychologically. This time, it was different. A clean transparent examination has ensured me a well-deserved job,” she says.
Mayur Kalita is from Kaliabor in Nagaon. He completed his B.Ed in 2021 and started preparing for the ADRE after that. He will soon be part of the Grade III employee of the State Government and that, too, in his very first attempt. “I hope this will bring a new era in Government services in the State,” he tells this newsletter.
Jyotish Rajbongshi of Gobradol in Nalbari has committed himself to work with dedication and integrity after getting through to a Government job with three years of efforts. “Thirty-five people from our village have been able to secure for themselves a Government job in Grade III and Grade IV categories through this examination. We used to consult each other. This is a collective success and a success of our village,” he says.
Champa Doley from Golaghat has been preparing for various examinations since 2019 when Covid 19 hit the world. She credits her family’s support in getting a job with the State Government.
Like all the ones mentioned above, Kalpajit Gogoi of Dibrugarh credits the State Government for carrying out an examination in a fair and transparent manner after being selected along with his younger sister to serve the people of Assam after years of hard work. He also has a word of advice to those who could not clear their examinations this time. “The Government has ensured a corruption free system. It will be here for a long time,” he says before making his way to the main venue to soak himself in an atmosphere he could not have visualised ever.