Beginning 1837 when the first tea garden was brought into existence in the lush green sylvan settings of Chabua, the place has not seen much limelight. All that may soon change if the initiatives of its MLA Ponakon Barua start bearing fruits.
The 121 Chabua Legislative Constituency has a historic imprint associated with it not only on the tea front but also through the Mayamoria Satra of Sri Sri Aniruddha Dev. The sage had scripted 181 songs or borgeets as they are now known, some four hundred years back, to promote spiritualism among the masses. These songs have travelled through time, popularised mostly through an oral tradition. The MLA has now taken it upon himself to document them for posterity. He is already in touch with experts to ensure that these orally transmitted forms of history are recorded in the right setting with the aid of musicians and experts.
“Chabua is a small geographical entity. Yet, it has contributed immensely towards the socio-economic front. However, in the last few decades, because of many reasons, the place has lagged on economic, social, educational, and sporting parameters. Hence, it is important to bring an educational revolution of sorts. That is why last year we organised a full-fledged book fair in Chabua for four days. There was tremendous enthusiasm among the people,” the MLA told Asom Barta.
To create a conducive atmosphere in educational institutions, a team of educationists frequently interact with students, especially those who are due for their matriculation examination. Besides, to create a culture around reading, the MLA has penned articles in a magazine published by a local publisher which, in turn, is distributed among students. The publication contains articles by meritorious students as well. All these are being done under the aegis of the MLA.
“How can a society advance without a culture of education? Especially my constituency which consists of a significant tea tribe population. All these while they were exploited as a vote bank. However, with the new Chief Minister at helm in Dispur, the number of model schools which have sprung up in tea gardens has given a boost to education among these people,” he told this reporter.
“More than 3,000 anganwadi centres are coming up in the State. Eleven such centres are being built in Chabua alone. According to an assessment by the Chief Minister of these anganwadi centres’ construction quality, Chabua has managed a score of A+”, Barua informed this newsletter.
Besides, the Asom Darshan Scheme, Flood Control measures, gas pipeline service, most schemes of the Government or the MLA has given Chabua a lot to cheer like the tea leaves from its tea garden.