The Budget for the year 2024-25 is a firm declaration of intent of the Assam Government in pursuing its goal of economic and social development so that the State reaches the position of being among the top five States of the country in all spheres, within the earliest possible time.
The Budget size has been increasing annually, whereby the State has been able to address the concerns of various sectors of our economic and social life. The growth in the Budget size ever since the formation of the BJP Government in Assam in 2016 is an indication that fiscal management of Government finances have been much better in tapping sources of finance, both in collection of Government dues and in finding new areas of financing from national and international agencies such as NABARD, Asian Development Bank, World Bank. Good fiscal management has ensured that the creditworthiness of the State Government has increased, attracting more funding agencies. The day is not far when direct foreign investment of major countries like USA, Japan, etc., make way into the shelf of development schemes of the Government of Assam.
The second positive of the Budget is the ability of the Government’s capacity to spend the budgeted amount by different departments. From a 60-70% spending of the budgeted amount of the Congress days, it has increased to over 90% in the days of the BJP Government. This is no mean achievement as it indicates faster decision taking, better project implementation and cutting down of red tape with increased transparency.
The third positive is the consistency of expenditure in capital head allocations. This has led to rapid development of roads and bridges and completion of physical infrastructure in educational institutions, from medical and engineering colleges to primary schools. Development of infrastructure is the first step towards economic development as good roads lead to opening of more markets, thereby ensuring remunerative prices for farmers. Good educational infrastructure leads to better attendance, better teaching thereby positively improving the educational climate. The Government has done well to concentrate on roads and educational institutions besides sports infrastructure, consistently allocating a bigger amount every passing year. The results of all these will be visible in the very near future.
Women and the girl child form half of our population. Till the coming of the BJP Government, there was no focus on development of the girl child or women. Neglecting the girl child led to social abuses like child marriage, early motherhood, malnutrition, high MMR and IMR, child labour ,etc. Lack of disposable income with the homemaker on the other hand left the women at the mercy of their menfolk, leading to all kinds of abuses. Therefore, the Budget has addressed all these concerns by making available huge funds for the Orunodoi scheme, which puts purchasing power into the hands of homemakers. Divyangs, widows and aged are also covered under the scheme. This is being supplemented by encouraging women to take up small economic activities through the Lakhpati Baidew scheme and develop the existing women SHGs with more funds. To free women from indebtedness, the Government has taken upon itself to clear the bank over dues. The girl child in addition to the existing free and incentive facilities at primary and secondary level, is being encouraged to go in for higher education with the newly introduced Mukhya Mantrir Nijut Moina Scheme. Not to forget the nutritional needs and jolly learning for infants, the number of Anganwadi centres are being increased from existing 5,000 to 10,000, indicating a 100 per cent rise, proposed in the current Budget.
Agriculture is the backbone of Assam’s economy. Though its contribution to the GSDP is not very high, agriculture and allied sector engages 70% of our population. In its effort to commercialise agriculture in the State, the Government has allocated funds for the farm sector, the dairy sector, egg production and the fisheries, so that Assam can become self-sufficient and also start their exports. The declaration of MSP for paddy and mustard by the State Government and beginning procurement, is a big step towards getting remunerative prices for the producer. The small tea grower has been taken care of in the Budget, with a mind to improve the quality of tea produced. Assistance for farm mechanisation has been provided in the Budget.
Health care is another area of focus of the Budget. The early completion of medical colleges and cancer care hospitals has been targeted. Similarly, the ambit of the Ayushmann Asom scheme providing free hospitalisation and treatment has been proposed to be increased. More district and rural hospitals are being upgraded.
Employment of the youth is an area of focus. Along with providing Government jobs, the Budget targets the growth of self-employment among the youth of Assam. More than a lakh youth are proposed to be assisted. Development of culture and sports activities have also been provided for in the Budget, thus covering nearly all areas of social and economic activity that it can manage with the funds available.
(The writer is a retired bureaucrat)